1. Fellow constituents, my immense appreciation goes to the Almighty God who has helped us thus far. To Him alone be all the glory for turning dreams to realities and for the existing peace in our federal constituency.

2. With utmost humility, I have every reason to be thankful to the good people of Idanre/Ifedore Federal Constituency for the opportunity given to me to serve as their representative in Nigerian Lower Legislative Chamber, the Federal House of Representatives. It is to the glory of God and to the credit of the good people of Idanre/Ifedore Federal Constituency that I am also serving in the capacity of the Deputy Chairman, House Committee on Army.

3. I am not unmindful of the fact that my interest in politics was vaxatiously spurred by the consistent poor representation of our constituency in some 12 years that preceded my election into the House of Representatives. It is for this reason that I vowed not to give anything that is short of quality representation to the constituents of Idanre/Ifedore Federal Constituency. Let me state that I have already benchmarked excellent and responsive representation as the minimum standard for our constituency and the needful is being done to sustain the new minimum standards.

4. I am glad to state that I have chosen to remain carefully conscious of my electoral contract with our people in Idanre/Ifedore Federal Constituency. I have in the last one year remain dedicated to working conscientiously for our people and have also been using the mandate given to consistently
champion their interests on all fronts. We may not have have delivered the eldorado in the last one; however, we have been able to put the era of grossly poor and depressing representation behind us.

5. Although, my primary responsibility as a federal lawmaker is to make laws for the good of the nation and the good people of Idanre/Ifedore Federal Constituency. But, the reality of endless needs in our constituency has made it compulsory for me to readily latch on to all opportunities at sight in a quest to bring relief and developments to our people. For this cause, the under listed my modest achievements in the last one year of being your representative :

i. Award of scholarship to 131 students across the Federal Constituency.

ii. Enrollment of constituents for vocational trainings and empowerment with all necessary tools and instruments.

iii. Summer coaching for school children in 19 centers across the Federal Constituency.

iv. Appointment of Forty Six (46) constituents as Aides (Special Advisers and Personal Assistants) with prompt payment of their allowances.

v. Disbursement of Community Grants to 150 market women in Idanre Local Government Area.

vi. Financial empowerment of so many traders in Ifedore Local Government Area.

vii. Donation of two months salary to constituents for the purpose of cushioning the effect of Covid-19 pandemic. This is aside the donation of additional two months salaries by each member of the Federal House of Representatives to all Nigerians.

viii. Facilitating the reinstatement of Mr. Fanika, an indigene of Idanre Local Government into Nigeria Police Force after 4 years dismissal on account of absence from duty.

ix. Renovation of the long abandoned palace of the paramount ruler of Idanre, the Owa of Idanre.

x. Facilitation of federal employment opportunities for constituents.

xi. Construction of a police station at Ero in Ifedore Local Government Area.

xii. Facilitation of private cassava processing plant in Idanre.

xiii. Gifting of cars and motorcycles to constituents.

xiv. Facilitation of relief materials for flood victims in Idanre through the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA).

xv. Facilitating the enlistment of more than 20 constituents into Nigerian Army.

xvi. Cash donation to General Hospital in Idanre to offset medical bills

xvii. Repair of faulty boreholes and sinking of new ones under the scheme of ‘Operation Keep The Tap Running’.

xviii. Renovation of Three Blocks of Classrooms and Principal’s office at Anglican Grammar School, Ero in Ifedore Local Government Area.

It is important that I expatiate a little more on the facilitated Garri Processing Company that is sure to commence operations in two weeks from now. We observed with mixed feelings that enough bags of garri could not be bought for our people in the course of sourcing for food items that were packaged and distributed to the constituents as Covid-19 Relief Palliative Packages. It may interest that we had to travel as far as Ipele in Owo Local Government before enough garri could be bought for our palliative package distribution. However, this old narrative has changed for good with the coming of AGRONOMY PLUS LIMITED to Idanre to set up a state of the art Commercial Garri Processing Company. The other good news aside the production of enough garri for our community and Ondo State at large is that the company will also produce garri for exportation. In addition to this, establishment of this company will naturally provide hundreds of direct employment opportunities to the youths. This Garri Processing Company is also setup to produce starch for local and foreign needs of companies while our local farmers and others in the entire gamut of the value chain of garri production are to get exposed to free periodic trainings in cassava cultivation.

7. In the core area of legislation which is the primary duty for which I was elected; it is without doubt that no stone has been left unturned in my determination to deliver quality representation to our people in the last one year. On this note, I feel proud to state that the under listed legislative achievements have been recorded in the last one year of being in office :

i. A Bill For An Act To Establish Federal College of Forestry Management and Tourism, Idanre.

ii. Motion on The Urgent Need To Complete The Abandoned Owena Multi-purpose Dam.

iii. Motion on Worrisome Disrepair State of Federal Roads Across The Country.

iv. Motion To Investigate The Circumstances Surrounding The Short Payment of The Salaries of Aides of the 9th Assembly.

v. Desirability of Moving A Department of Federal College of Agriculture, Akure to Idanre.

8. Comparatively, I can make bold to state that our modest achievements in just one year of being in office have clearly dwarfed the totality of what was achieved by my predecessors that had represented us in some twelve years before I came to office as your representative in the Lower Legislative House. With all sense of modesty and thoughtfulness, I am convinced that the hitherto self seeking form of representation in our federal constituency has since been evidently discarded and recalibrated for optimum legislative performance in the last one year.

9. It is regrettable that our determined course of actions have been slowed down, but definitely not halted on account of the rampaging effects of coronavirus pandemic. Even with this temporary setback in my rigorous pursuit of good plans for our constituents, I am still overly optimistic of better performance this year. Our performance targets for the second legislative year will be focussed on agriculture and the health needs of our people. This is not to say that other items not stated as priority for 2020 will not be given the needed attention. As a matter of fact, serious efforts have been committed to achieving spectacular performance in the course of my second legislative year in office. For this reason, the under listed are what to expect in year 2020 :

i. Construction of 2 world class 7- Aside Mini Stadium in the constituency.

ii. Massive skills acquisition programmes for women and youths in the constituency.

iii. Sinking of dozens of solar powdered boreholes across the constituency.

iv. Massive supply of malaria, tuberculosis, typhoid vaccines and drugs to the constituency.

v. Massive supply of cocoa seedlings and cassava stems to farmer across the constituency.

vi. Training and empowerment of hundreds of constituents in fish farming.

vii. Supply of farm implements to farmers in the constituency.
10. I need to emphasize that my focus on delivering quality representation to my constituents remains absolutely firm and resolute. I must confess that the show of love by our good constituents has further strengthen my resolve to redouble my efforts for the overall good of everyone in Idanre/Ifedore Federal Constituency.

11. To whom much is given, much is definitely expected. For this reason, I will like to assure the good people of our constituency that the mandate given to me will NEVER be taken for granted. It is also important that I doubly assure our people that my term of office has already been dedicated for the exploration of all available opportunities to bring about visible human and infrastructural developments in our federal constituency.

Viii. Massive Construction of Roads in the federal Constituency

12. For the sake of emphasis, our developmental and empowerment strides have not in any way been given political coloration. My concern is to bring quality representation to everyone in our Federal Constituency. I sincerely thank all the extremely valued people of Idanre/Ifedore for their understanding and support in the last one. I thank you most sincerely once again and may the good Lord continue to make our lives better in Idanre/Ifedore Federal Constituency.

Thank you once again.
God bless Idanre/Ifedore Fed constituency
God bless Ondo State
God bless the Federal Republic Of Nigeria

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