June 12, 2020.


As we celebrate with Nigerians on her democracy day


1. As the world continues to battle the coronavirus pandemic, EYC salutes all frontline health workers for their courage and service to humanity.

2. We have read with growing concerns the meddlesomeness of America into who becomes the next president of AfDB. As a council, representing West Africa(ECOWAS) youths, it is alarming to note the ugly development of neo colonialism in the 21st century.

3. We are surprised that the US as an interest in Africa Development Bank, consequently there was a need for the council to look into the situation of things.

4. After wide consultation with member States, the council had no doubt in the general acceptability and performance rate of Dr. Akinwumi Adesina.

5. Subject to the aforementioned, the council passes a vote of confidence on the leadership of AfDB in it’s quest to serve Africa more.

6. We wish to state that the overbearing meddlesomeness of the USA on the issue of who becomes the president of AfDB is alarming. Needless to say that “we can’t breath”. Like George Floyd cried before his death. We haven’t as a council see a grown up man cry, calling his mama’s name like a baby until the last breath.

7. Therefore EYC will resist all attempts by any person, group or nation by whatever name it may be called to the last drop of her blood to protect the sanctity of the African race.

8. Consequently following EYC core values, integrity and accountability, we demand that all external forces sheath their sword an allow for a transparent and independent process to produce the best.

9. Following our independent research and investigation, the council reviewed the various allegations and counter allegations against Dr Akinwumi Adesina. The council wishes to state that Dr. Akinwumi Adesina is vindicated and has not been found guilty both in moral, social and all ethical standards by an authorized body of AfDF. Neither are Africans raising their voice against his candidacy.

10. We also reviewed critically Dr. Akinwumi Ayodeji ADESINA who was elected President of the African Development Bank Group in 2015. And observed how is outstanding performance had in 2019 earned him the Sunhak Peace Prize for his achievements in promoting food security in Africa through agricultural innovation.

11. More so, that in 2017 Gene White Lifetime Achievement Award complements a long list of global laurels earned for Adesina’s leadership and work in agriculture.

12. Further flashback on his achievements made UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in 2010 appoint him as one of 17 global leaders to spearhead the Millennium Development Goals, along with Bill Gates, the Spanish Prime Minister and the President of Rwanda.

13. EYC in entirety is pleased with the stewardship of Dr. Akinwumi Adesina and encourages him to continue with the giant strides.

14. We also commend Nigerians for 21 years of uninterrupted transition to democratic governance. We wish to celebrate today’s democracy day with the government and people of Nigeria.

15. The Chairperson of EYC, further wishes to task, President Muhammadu Buhari to live up to the expectations and yearnings of Nigerian.

16. EYC demands that those who seek to recolonise Africa should look elsewhere. Even though we cannot breath from their aggressive and treacherous demands, we will not give in Africa as an appendage of any group, state or interest.

17. Africans remains the only solution to Africa problems. Consequently the vote of confidence already passed on Dr. Akinwumi Adesina is further reaffirmed.

18. EYC under the distinguish leadership of Ambr. Ologun Williams Emmanuel Seun, will continue to uphold justice fairness and equity across Africa and other continents of the world where Africans reside.

19. In conclusion, we are, reminding the world, the last words of George Floyd “I can’t breath”. That the interference of countries other than African countries in AfDB is impairing African’s breath. The world must not however sit back and watch another gruesome, broad day murder of Africa’s institution. However, EYC will continue to provide breath for the African continent, even if madness nurtures such lucidity.

20. Thank you and God bless.

Ambr. Ojo Bright I ENIAFE
Director Of Public Affairs EYC.

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