PDP False Alarm Is Failed Effort Of A Losing Candidate

Press Release


In its characterise manner of raising false alarm, Idanre Chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party on Friday unconscionably accused Hon. Tajudeen Adefisoye of hiring a snipper in addition to false claim of training thugs to unleash violence on the good people of Idanre/Ifedore federal constituency.

We have been making consistent assertion that the truth is always consistent in its appearance and no amount of devious efforts could ever succeed in changing the unblemished coloration of time tested truth.

Truth about the satanic allegation of a hired snipper is that the falsely alleged individual is Mr. John Henry Ogaga whose name is simply shortened as Gaga. The man in question has been on the payroll of Hon. Tajudeen Adefisoye since 2018 in the capacity of a Personal Assistant.

We make bold to state that everyone that has ever come across Hon. Tajudeen Adefisoye since 2018 must have seen him with Gaga diligently discharging his duty as a Personal Assistant. We have all evidences to convincingly convey this open truth to the doubting Thomases.

In addition, Mr Ogaga is a very responsible and well behaved family man who has never been a member of any secret cult. The blatantly false and defamatory labelling of Gaga as a hired snipper will definitely not go unchallenged in a court of law. After all, concocted lies for political purpose must have its limit.

We are nevertheless not unaware that the PDP House of Representatives candidate has been the one breeding a group of cultists that are led by a certain Maja; who is a notorious and most wanted armed robber and also a deadly member of KK confraternity.

We also challenge the PDP candidate to tell the world what informs his satanic romance with dared-devil cultists like Honessy, TJ from Ikota, Gbenga who is the most wanted hitman of Eiye confraternity and Dan Baba who is a prison warder that also doubles as an armourer.

We challenge the PDP and its candidate to come out and tell the public the reason for hiring and housing armed robbers and cultists if not to rig and disrupt the February 25 elections. We are also aware that these characters are merely raising false alarm in a bid to distract attention from their nocturnal and clandestine plans to scare away voters, maim or possibly kill die hard loyalists of Hon. Tajudeen Adefisoye on election day.

Notwithstanding the pathologically false alarm of the PDP, we are very much committed to a peaceful politicking as well as the signed Peace Accord of Idanre. We want to also reiterate for the untempted time that amateurish propaganda of the PDP will not save the party and its candidate from impending and unavoidable heavy defeat in the February 25 elections.

Signed :

Adeboyeku Babatunde
APC Director of Media Campaign Idanre Local Government Area
February 10, 2023.

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