Plot By PDP Candidates To Unleash Deadly Thugs Uncovered*

Press Release


We have been reliably informed that the two PDP candidates in Idanre have unconscionably imported dare devil thugs to Idanre for the purpose of unleashing violence on election day.

It is worrisome nonetheless that these candidates that openly signed the Idanre Peace Accord could still turn round to import and house thugs for the sole purpose of making peaceful electioneering impossible in Idanre.

It is equally disturbing that the best these characters could offer the good people of Idanre is to hire thugs that will harm, maim and probably kill the same Idanre People they claim to love. This type of desperation on the part of PDP candidates is akin to trying to walk on blood to elective political offices.

We have however gathered that the arrangements already perfected for the imported thugs to dress in the military and police uniforms on election day. This satanic plan is disingenuously aimed at diverting attention away from would be evil plans of the imported thugs on election day.

It is therefore necessary to alert the security agencies especially the DSS to immediately beam their search light on the two PDP candidates in Idanre. This piece of information is also deemed necessary to make the good people of Idanre become extra vigilant.

We however have supreme confidence in the ability of security agencies to deal most decisively with anyone that may want to foment trouble in Idanre on election day. We also want to counsel the importers of these thugs to Idanre to immediately move them out because the security agencies are fully prepared for them.

While we have always advocate issues based campaign and peaceful electioneering, it is nonetheless too late for the PDP candidates to toe the same line of peace.

As we are heading for the overwhelming victory of APC candidates in the general elections, we challenge the two PDP candidates to put their popularity to test in free, fair and credible elections on February 25 and March,11, 2023.

APC Campaign Media
Idanre Local Government
February 23, 2023.

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