Lady who Graduated with 3rd Class after 2 Extra Years from AAUA, bags 100% Grade Masters in UK.

A young lady identified as Olamide Egbayelo who graduated with a Third Class Degree from Adekunle Ajasin University Akungba Akoko has bagged a Master’s degree with 100% distinctions at the University of South Wales in the United Kingdom.

Despite not graduating with remarkable grades from AAUA, Olamide did not give up on education instead she pushed on and relocated a few years after to the United Kingdom with a determined mindset.

She bagged her master’s degree in Strategic and Digital Marketing with an outstanding distinction from the University of South Wales, Wales in the United Kingdom. Olamide took to Twitter to celebrate her achievement.

Woke up to my final MSC result approved by the exam board. Please, call me DISTINCTION GRADUATE,” she tweeted. Olamide stated that the year of her master’s was one the toughest of her entire life. 

She mentioned that the educational journey took her tears, blood, joy, and everything but she stood firm focused, and persevered on the end goal. She expressed her gratitude to those who contributed to her research.

She also thanked all those who contributed and assisted her in sensing her proposal papers, writing her assessment, and helping her with her dissertation research.

Olamide mentioned that she is very excited about her degree considering the fact that she graduated with a third class for her bachelor’s. She stated that she carried the burden of feeling like a failure but she is glad to have finally overcome.

”From graduating with a third class after 2 extra years in my undergrad to graduating with a distinction in my MSC. The yoke has been broken mehn. I carried this burden for years knowing I could have done better. Knowing I was not an OLODO,” she said.

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