Ondo Redemption Front (ORF) Warns Against Deputy Governor’s Impeachment and Calls for an End to Attacks*

The Ondo Redemption Front (ORF), a coalition of concerned citizens dedicated to the preservation of democracy and the rule of law, issues a strong caution to the Ondo State House of Assembly against the planned impeachment of Deputy Governor Lucky Aiyedatiwa. Additionally, we firmly call for an end to the relentless attacks on the Deputy Governor by Governor Rotimi Akeredolu’s aides, especially since his return from medical leave overseas.

In recent times, Deputy Governor Aiyedatiwa has endured a series of unwarranted attacks, both in the media and the political arena, instigated by Governor Akeredolu’s operatives. The recent announcement of impeachment proceedings by the Ondo State House of Assembly is not only alarming but raises serious concerns about the stability and integrity of our democracy in Ondo State.

The ORF wishes to emphasize the following points:

1. We remind the Ondo State House of Assembly of the importance of upholding democratic principles and respecting constitutional processes. Impeachment is a grave matter that should be based on clear evidence of wrongdoing and not exploited as a political tool, as is presently being attempted by the House.

2. We believe that if there are genuine political differences, which should not interfere with the governance of Ondo State, all parties involved should engage in constructive dialogue and seek peaceful resolutions to their disputes. Ondo State deserves political leaders who prioritize the welfare and development of the state over personal vendettas.

3. It is imperative that all actions taken by the House of Assembly and the government adhere to the rule of law. Any attempt to circumvent due process or infringe on the rights of the Deputy Governor will be met with resistance from the people of Ondo State. We remind the House of Assembly and those behind this desperate plot that Deputy Governor Aiyedatiwa is neither an appointee of Governor Akeredolu nor the House Assembly, he was democratically elected on a joint ticket with Governor Akeredolu and must be treated as an elected leader in the state.

4. We call on President Bola Tinubu, the leadership of the All Progressives Congress (APC), and the National Assembly to closely monitor the situation in Ondo State and ensure that democratic institutions are shielded from abuse and manipulation, as witnessed in our state.

5. We vehemently condemn any form of verbal attacks on Deputy Governor Lucky Aiyedatiwa by Governor Rotimi Akeredolu’s aides and operatives. Such behaviour not only befits public officials but also undermines the principles of respect and civility in our political space.

The Ondo Redemption Front remains committed to fostering peace, stability, and good governance in our beloved state. We implore all stakeholders to prioritize the interests of Ondo State and its people and to resolve their differences through peaceful and lawful means.

In conclusion, we reiterate our readiness to mobilize our people to resist the emergence of anti-democratic forces in our state. We hope that Ondo State can emerge from this challenging period stronger and more united in its commitment to democracy and development.


Mogbojuri Kayode Esq
Co-Chair, ORF

Olufemi Lawson,
General Secretary, ORF

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