COVID-19: Delta Government Receives Relief Items To Support Vulnerable Households

The Delta State Government has received some relief items from Presco Plc, a vegetable oils and fats producer, to help vulnerable households cushion the effects of Coronavirus outbreak in the state.

Commissioner for Special Duties in the state, Mofe Pera, who received the items on behalf of the state government, said that they would ensure equitable distribution among families and individuals across various communities, who need the items the most.

He added that the state government had been receiving relief items from well-meaning individuals and corporate organisations since the outbreak of the pandemic, adding that they were open to more of such in order to soften the effects of the crisis on the people.

Relations Manager of Presco Plc, Tony Uwajeh, who delivered the items on behalf of the company, said a total of 1,000 pieces of 5-litre jerry cans of vegetable oil in 250 cartons were delivered to the Delta State Government as part of their support for vulnerable residents.

Uwajeh stated that being a period of global crisis, they felt the need to render support in the best ways they can as government alone could not do everything.

In the wake of the Coronavirus outbreak across the world, many households and individuals have lost sources of income, making daily survival quite difficult for many.

Already, the United Nations World Food Programme has estimated that about 265 million people around the world could face acute hunger by the end of this year as a result of the pandemic.

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