Birthday: Mrs Mimiko Thanks All, Says No Physical Gathering


Mrs Olukemi Mimiko wishes to appreciate the good people of Ondo State and Nigerians in general who have since yesterday been sending messages, prayers and well wishes on her birthday.

She is overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and well wishes!

In the spirit of the time, she announces, she will not be hosting birthday gathering of any kind. She also asks that no such gathering should be organized on her behalf so as to further help control the spread of Coronavirus.

While appreciating all, she urges people to keep praying for Nigeria and the world at large for an end to the COVID19 pandemic. She promises to acknowledge and respond to messages, greetings and prayers.

She sends her words of encouragement to those who are ill on account of COVID19 infections and to those who have lost their loved ones to the virus.

She prays for an end to the scourge and a quick return to normal lives for the people of Ondo State and Nigeria at large.

Once again, thank you and God bless.


John Paul Akinduro
S.A. (Media) to Dr. Olusegun Mimiko.

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