Ondo2020: John Ola Mafo withdraws from guber race

With a great sense of responsibility and unbroken faith in the future of Ondo State, I announce my formal withdrawal from the 2020 Governorship race,having been an aspirant on the platform of the PDP.
My exit from the contest is predicated on circumstances beyond my control.
It is instructive to note that I made my self available in the first place because I believe I have what it takes ,in terms of experience,vision,capacity,and general competence,to govern the state in such a way that will guarantee sustainable development in line with the yearnings and aspiration of the people of the state.
At this juncture,I want to use this forum to thank my compatriots across the state ,who genuinely believe in my vision and who have contributed in one way or the other in the cause of the aspiration.
As I step out of the race ,I cannot but observe that Ondo State is yearning for a new order where the overall interest of the citizenry, will be the supreme objective of government policies and programmes, where leadership can be deployed to sacrifice self-interest ,personal agenda and other unproductive anti-people tendencies in order to make life more meaningful to the teeming masses of the state.
From the activities of the present administration and disposition of the people,it is clear that the leadership of the APC government in the state has failed to meet the expectations of people and have proved to be incapable of meeting the lofty objectives of governance as stated above.
From the foregoing one can rightly declare that the people of the state are looking for an alternative platform, which the PDP represents,
to bring about the desired change in the state.
On way forward , as a patriotic citizen and loyal member of the PDP over the years ,I am prepared to work with whoever emerges from the party primary to bring PDP back to Ondo State Government House in line with the expectations of the good people of the State.
Long Live the Federal Republic of Nigeria!
Long Live Ondo State!
PDP -Power to the people!
“The struggle is my life!”- MOJ.

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