Army Troops Foil Bandits’ Attacks In North West Region


The Nigerian Army troops of Operation Sahel Sanity fighting banditry and kidnapping in the North west region have foiled bandits’ attacks during various operations on September 17 and 18, 2020 in Zamfara and Katsina States.

The troops also rescued 22 kidnapped victims from Shimfida and Fankama villages in Katsina State during the operations. The troops of Operation Sahel Sanity also recovered arms and ammunition from the criminal elements in the course of various raids carried out in Katsina and Zamfara.

This disclosure was made by the
Acting Director of Defence Media Operations, Brigadier General Bernard Onyeuko in a statement issued on Friday, September 18, 2020 at Gusau in Zamfara State.

Moreso, ahead of the resettlement of displaced residents back to Baga in few days from now, troops of Operation Lafia Dole have intensified their fighting capacity as well as their aggressive patrols of the 196 kilometer road linking Maiduguri to Baga.

Meanwhile, the ongoing show of force by the troops of Operation Sahel Sanity has clearly denied the terror groups of Boko Haram and ISWAP all forms of freedom of action on the road linking Maiduguri to Baga.

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