The legislative Agenda/Manifesto of @OlumbeAKinkugbe

*Promote STEM Education

Nigeria’s digital economy and tech ecosystem attracted close to $1 billion in investments last year alone. The technology ecosystem has also created many high-paying jobs and created serval opportunities for many small businesses providing various services. Undoubtedly, the future of Nigeria’s economy will be digital, driven by information and communication technology. Hence, it is expedient to make critical investments in human capital development from primary schools to tertiary institutions.

I aim to develop and support legislation that would encourage the growth of the knowledge economy and make young Nigerians more competitive in the global economy.

*Resource Control

I firmly believe that states should have considerable rights to natural resources within their boundaries. These rights would include exploration, value addition, and commercialization. However, the states will pay a substantial amount of royalties or taxes to the federal government.

Legislation that enables states to explore and commercialize their states’ resources will catalyze enormous economic growth and industrialization.

Many states would no longer have to depend on Abuja to remain viable. Young people will have far more opportunities outside Lagos, Abuja, and Port Harcourt for decent employment. This legislation will enable the development of the manufacturing sector, encourage economic growth and provide a platform upon which we can transform to modern society.

*Gender Equity

From several years of research, there is ample evidence that women’s participation in governance leads to better health, education, and economic outcomes. Unfortunately, Nigerian women have had little opportunity to participate in government even though they make up half of the general population.

Therefore, it is imperative to encourage the participation of women in governance at all levels by leveraging on quality legislation.

I will commit to working with the proponents of the gender bill to ensure that it becomes an Act of law.

*Labor Laws

Many of Nigeria’s labor laws are either outdated or ineffective. They provide very little protection for the average Nigerian worker, which has to change. I will be proposing legislation that prioritizes the welfare of the average Nigerian worker, protects them from bad employers, and provides them with a safety net.

More importantly, I will be pushing for legislation that will encourage the transfer of skills and technology from a global corporation. Equally critical are laws that ensure that foreign companies operating in Nigeria hire qualified Nigerians across the corporate ladder.

*Cannabis Regulation

Cannabis is a $7 billion market in Africa and is projected to have a global value of $145 billion by 2025. The Cannabis legal industry currently supports 311,000 jobs in the United States, over 20,000 in Germany, and serval thousands across Europe.

The Cannabis industry is massive, and Ondo state, having the suitable soil that supports mass cultivation of cannabis, should benefit from it. Hence, I will be proposing carefully thought-out legislation that would create enormous economic value for the people of Ondo while putting in measures to prevent its abuse. 

We can grow Ondo’s IGR by 30% and create at least 50,000 jobs by passing sensible legislation that encourages the cultivation and exportation of cannabis

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