Ondo Hospital denies claims of negligence


There is a need to respond to a story making the rounds on social media concerning the death of a patient (Fola Samuel) in UNIMEDTH, Ondo.

First of all, the management wishes to express deep condolences to the family of the deceased.

However, it is important to state that the story circulating in the electronic media that the deceased was a stage IV breast cancer patient with a fungating mass at the time of admission ~is~ ~misleading~.

She was a high risk surgical patient and palliative surgery to remove the huge mass of abnormal tissue growing in the breast was planned.

She was quite unwell and efforts at making her strong enough to withstand the stress of surgery warranted the 3week admission. before surgery.

The surgery was successful but the patient unfortunately could not withstand the stress.

While it is true that there was a power outage during the surgery, it should be noted that back up power supply was immediately restored; as such, the issue of alternating between power sources was not the cause of death.

We once again express our deepest sympathies to the deceased family in their time of understandable sorrow.

Finally, we wish to reassure our patients and their relatives that despite the erratic power supply from the national grid as well as prohibitive costs of diesel, the managenent and staff of UNIMEDTH are devoted to ensuring steady back-up to further reinforce our mandate to promote quality of care for all.

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