In memory of TB Joshua

The faithful across the globe stand still in joyful adoration; the resonance of purity as the hallmark of human existence, altruism, love, holiness and humanitarianism vibrated and rejuvenated in the hearts of mankind as the great prophet and humanist and extra-ordinary philanthropist, TB Joshua, was remembered in the third anniversary of his glorious departure from the earth on June 5, 2021.

Dr Kirstan Nematandam, a South African nationalist who flew into Ikotun Egbe, Lagos, to partake in the solemn night ceremony described the all-night praise and worship event as ‘a spiritual high watershed, and great moment in all continents of the world to thank God for the grace of TB Joshua on earth in His ineffable love for mankind and His creation.’

TB Joshua was a great man of God whose life was Christlike, living the word and practising the word, he was the light shining in darkness, the most humble man you could ever come across who touched the lives of millions, preaching the word with power and with an extra-ordinary philanthropy across the universe,” he said.

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