Killing of boy, 16 during protests: Army will pay dearly, man vows

Malam Muhammadu Hussaini is the father of 16-year-old Isma’il Muhammadu who was killed on Tuesday by a soldier in Samaru Zaria during hunger protests. In this interview, Malam Hussaini narrates how Isma’il was killed and the next action his entire family resolved to take. Excerpts:

Can you tell us how your son was killed during the protest last Tuesday in Samaru Zaria?
 Yes, the soldiers came to Samaru, they sighted the children sitting in front of the house. When the children saw the soldiers approaching, they ran inside the house and locked the door. It was even the late Ismail’s brother who locked the door, and entered the compound. When the soldier came, he used his gun to shoot.
The first shot went through the door and hit Isma’il in his neck.The soldier fired a second shot and Isma’il was killed on the spot.

You mean the late Isma’il was inside the house?
 He was inside the house, the door was under lock and key. The body was brought out for the soldiers to see what happened, but they did not show concern. They proceeded and later came back. At the end, I called the children who told me what was going on, but advised me not to come home because the soldiers were still shooting. I was not able to see Ismail’s corpse until after an hour plus. That was because the soldiers were chasing people back and forth.

But does that means there was a protest in Samaru at the said time or what?
 There was no any protest in Samaru at the time. Since this confusion began, we never had any problem in Samaru. 

How old was the late Isma’il?
 Isma’il was 16 years old .He just completed his Junior Secondary School (JSS 3 ) and about to join the Senior Secondary School (SSS 1).

 By the time you came home, was there an attempt to take him to hospital?
 There was nothing like taking him to hospital; when he was brought outside, his life was already gone. The entire community was completely silent. He was shot twice and he died instantly. 

Were both shots on his neck?
 One was on his neck and the second shot on his back. This is the door where the bullet pierced, he shell of the bullets are in our custody as exhibit, with the bullet’s number.

How would you describe late Isma’il, what kind of boy was he during his life time?
 Isma’il was a good boy, he was never involved in any trouble and never fought anyone.He was not looking for trouble and even if someone decided to quarrel with him, he would run away.
  When the military officers visited you, what transpired?
 The military officers came and condoled me on the death of Isma’il. The team was led by their most senior officer from the Basawa Barracks. They told me how they were disturbed by the incident, commiserated and pleaded with me to be patient. They were very remorseful and said the matter would be given the attention its deserves, by Allah’s grace. They said they would commence investigation today (Wednesday). In fact, they even brought a letter of invitation that we should go to Basawa, that all those who witnessed the incident should go to Basawa.

Apart from the letter of invitation brought to you by the military, are you contemplating taking any action like going to court?
 Honestly, we are taking legal action, we shall seek for justice so that it will serve as deterrent for future offenders. If we do so, such cases would be minimized in future. Let ours be a case study. 

So you are preparing to go to court or something like that?
My entire family said we must take action over  the killing. So if we must go to court, it has become imperative to do so.


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