Biden floors Trump in Republican stronghold of Arizona

Joe Biden has defeated President Donald Trump in Arizona to become the second Democratic presidential candidate since 1948 to win the longtime Republican stronghold.

According to AP, Biden has been declared the winner of Arizona and its 11 electoral votes, just announced.

With Arizona in his column, Biden could potentially afford to lose Pennsylvania and still win the election if he carries Wisconsin and Michigan, the UK Guardian reports.

Biden’s win in Arizona substantially limits Donald Trump’s path to victory, a fact that the president’s allies appear to be keenly aware of.

Also, Mark Kelly, a Democrat, and former astronaut, was declared the winner of the senate race in Arizona, claiming the seat once held by John McCain.

Kelly, who is the husband of the former Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, maintained a steady polling lead over incumbent Martha McSally throughout the race.

The retired US navy captain ran his campaign by playing up his outsider status in politics, repeatedly speaking on Arizona’s need for “independent leadership”.

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