EXCLUSIVE: FUTA Grandeza Class Chairman Pens Open Letter Vice-Chancellor, Advocates for Review of Convocation Fees.

In a display of dedication to the student body, the Chairman of FUTA’s esteemed Grandeza Class of 2021 has penned an open letter to the University’s Vice-Chancellor, urging a comprehensive review of Convocation fees. This move has ignited discussions and garnered significant support from students and stakeholders alike.

Convocation is an event of paramount importance in the lives of graduates. It symbolizes the culmination of years of hard work and dedication to their studies. However, in recent years, the upward trend in Convocation fees has raised concerns, prompting the Chairman of FUTA’s Grandeza Class to address the issue proactively.

The University Management had earlier on 16th of October 2023, released an internal memo for Feees and Award Conferment of the 33rd Convocation Ceremony.

In the open letter, the Chairman underlines the pressing need to evaluate Convocation fees, which have become a growing financial burden on students and their families. He emphasizes that Convocation should remain an inclusive and memorable occasion, accessible to all graduates regardless of their economic backgrounds.

Moreover, as at January 2023, the issuance rate of Undergraduate Certificate for 3-5 years was N10,000 as given below.

The Exclusive Copy of the Letter Grandeza  was made available to Yemiefash Media

The Details of the letter are as follows:

To: The Vice Chancellor,
Federal University of Technology, Akure
P.M.B 704  

Through: The staff Adviser
FUTA Graduating Class of 2021.  

Request for a Review of Convocation Ceremony Fees

Dear Ma,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing on behalf of the concerned students of FUTA Graduating Class of 2021 to bring to your attention a matter of utmost importance regarding the upcoming 33rd convocation ceremony scheduled for November.

We acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of the university in organizing this momentous event. However, it has come to our attention that the fees required from the students for participation in the convocation ceremony are considerably high, given the current economic situation in our country and the short time frame provided for payment. As students, we are already grappling with the financial challenges posed by the economic climate, and these exorbitant fees place an additional burden on us.

Traditionally, certificate collection upon convocation has been free, and any delay in collection after 1-3 years incurred a fee of 5000 Naira. However, the recent circular states that even upon convocation, students will be required to pay 10,000 Naira for certificate collection. This sudden increase has taken us by surprise and appears to be quite unreasonable.

Moreover, the administrative charges of 5000 Naira further exacerbate the financial strain on students who are already managing various educational and personal expenses. We understand that the university requires resources to run smoothly, but we believe that these fees are on the high side and may deter many deserving students from participating in the ceremony.

We kindly implore the university management, particularly our beloved Vice Chancellor, to reconsider these fees and consider a review. The Class of 2021 has faced unique challenges, and we believe it is our collective responsibility to make this special day as accessible and memorable as possible for all graduating students.

We understand the need for the university to generate revenue, but we hope that a balance can be struck that allows students to celebrate their achievements without the burden of excessive fees. We look forward to a positive response and appreciate your attention to this matter.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Yours Sincerely,

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